There will be accidents

There will be accidents

There will be accidents As robotaxi companies in the USA prepare to launch their autonomous vehicles in more cities, safety is in the spotlight again. And quite rightly. Many autonomous mobility service companies have relied on two factors when developing their...
Steel E-Motive launches at Zemo 20th Anniversary

Steel E-Motive launches at Zemo 20th Anniversary

Steel E-Motive launches at Zemo 20th Anniversary Game-changing Mobility as a Service (MaaS) vehicle concepts will be introduced to the UK for the first time at Zemo 20:Zero on 15 June 15 June 2023 — Game-changing Mobility as a Service (MaaS) vehicle concepts will be...
Steel E-Motive Events

Steel E-Motive Events

Steel E-Motive Events Steel E-Motive, the innovative concept for autonomous ride sharing and ride hailing vehicles, launched in 2023. Developed by WorldAutoSteel in partnership with Ricardo PLC, the program results are made freely available to automotive manufacturers...
Steel E-Motive Events

WorldAutoSteel plans global roll-out for MaaS solution

WorldAutoSteel plans global roll-out for MaaS solution New autonomous vehicle concepts offer emissions reduction of up to 86% 23 May 2023 — WorldAutoSteel has unveiled its plans for launching Steel E-Motive, its exciting new vehicle concepts for Mobility as a Service...