Designing future autonomous vehicles for use in a ‘mobility as a service’ model Transport and the way people use it is changing. In the next 20-years, urban mobility is expected to be transformed by the widespread roll-out of fully autonomous vehicles operating within...
Steel is meeting the challenges of autonomous vehicle design for mobility as a service Autonomous vehicles are going to be a gamer changer for the Mobility as a Service industry. They will transform the way we get passengers and goods from A to B and improve access to...
Steel is improving autonomous vehicles safety for passengers and road users Autonomous vehicles are going to be a gamer changer for the Mobility as a Service industry. They will transform the way we get passengers and goods from A to B and improve access to on-demand...
Goodbye driver experience, hello ‘journey experience’: exploring the passenger experience in autonomous vehicles for MaaS applications A blog by Neil McGregor – Chief Engineer, Steel E-Motive project Autonomous vehicles are going to be a game changer for the...
Steel E-Motive program featured by The Engineer The Steel E-Motive program has been featured in a report by The Engineer. Technical Director, George Coates, and Chief Engineer, Neil McGregor, speak with the publication in depth about the Steel E-motive program. They...