Steel E-Motive announce winners of styling competition Engineering students from Tecnológico de Monterrey won the Student Steel E-Motive Styling Competition with their futuristic design for an autonomous ride hailing vehicle and traveled to CES 2022 to celebrate...
Automotive World Webinar Instant Replay: Steel structures for mobility as a service vehicles In this 60-minute webinar, Neil McGregor of Ricardo and WorldAutoSteel’s George Coates showcased the vehicle technical specifications and expectations for steel innovations...
E-Mobility Engineering captures Steel E-Motive styling reveal at Stuttgart EV Tech E-Mobility Engineering met with WorldAutoSteel Tech Director George Coates, and Ricardo Chief Engineer Neil McGregor at EV Tech in Stuttgart to talk about the Steel E-Motive styling...
Steel E-Motive at Pre-COP 26 Milan Phil Crowther, Business Strategy & Development Director at Ricardo, will be presenting “Connecting e-vehicles to the city” at The Road to COP26 on 30th September at 1000CEST. He will be presenting Steel...
Steel E-Motive program featured by The Engineer The Steel E-Motive program has been featured in a report by The Engineer. Technical Director, George Coates, and Chief Engineer, Neil McGregor, speak with the publication in depth about the Steel E-motive program. They...