Steel enables stronger vehicle structures for improved crash safety As with any kind of vehicle on our roads, autonomous vehicles must meet global crash safety standards. They must also meet consumer and stakeholder expectations for a cost-effective, sustainable and...
Steel is making mobility as a service transportation more affordable As the number of people owning private vehicles is in decline, particularly in urban areas, more people are turning to public transportation, hire schemes and ride sharing to get them from A to B....
Total Cost of Ownership: Steel is lowering the total cost of running a ride-hailing fleet Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is one of the main concerns of any fleet operator, no matter what service they are providing. Mobility Service Providers need confidence that new...
Steel is enabling the next generation of ride-hailing and ride-sharing services Mobility as a Service (MaaS) transportation solutions are on the rise. Ride hailing and ride sharing services are already enabling convenient and accessible ways to get around. However,...
Steel is extending service life for the taxi and private hire vehicles of the future The average taxi and private hire vehicle will do significantly more mileage than a personal automotive over its service life. This means that taxi and private hire vehicles can...